Running for results




The process begins with an online screening that can be carried out from the comfort of your own home. 9 movements, all of which tell PRPerformance about your runnning gait, your movement proficiency and any restrictions and imbalances that may significantly impact your development if not appropriately addressed.

This is accompanied by a three-part online questionnaire, designed to draw out relevant context, aspirations, and information relating to you and your running.

These two elements will then inform an initial consultation, either via Facetime, Zoom, or Face-to-Face where logistics allow. This gives us a further opportunity to get to know one another, the challenges you face, and have faced in the past, and gets the wheels turning as to how we attack your bespoke plan moving forward.

The first week or so, consists of a series of baseline testing measures that again, provide another layer of context and stick a pin in exactly where it is you’re at right now, which enables us to make a more pinpoint approach, to exactly where we want to be, and beyond.


There are no six week templates, no four-week pre-planned training sessions, and cookie-cutter programming.

Running for results is about working out exactly what it is that YOU need in order to succeed, because your journey is different to everyone elses, your constraints are different, your goals are different, your starting point is different, and your lives are different!

Yes, as your coach, I will have a broad overview of where we are going to push on in the coming training cycles, but the details of each session will undulate reguarly, as we manipulate any one, or combination of your heart rate data, GPS data, gait analysis data, your perception of effort, your sleep state, and your mood. These things all matter, and without being factored in to your program, it’s impossible for us to optimise your training - which is exactly why we do it!

Not only do you have your running support programmed for you, but you’ll also get all prepatory, corrective, and gym based training included too, so that you’re giving yourself the best chance to succeed.

Whatever your standard, whatever your experience, your age, your gender, or your goals, so long as you have a passion and an intent for improving your running, there’s something in this coaching system for you.


Sometimes, no matter our intentions, life can end up getting in the way. Something crops up, you’ve had a terrible sleep, you’re just having “one of those weeks” perhaps?

This is where dragging yourself out for a pre-planned training run that was punched into your app six weeks ago, may only dig the hole deeper.

Running for Results is completely flexible, and reactive, whilst always maintaining a clear focus on your end goal and your “why”.

The “why” can be different for all of us, we all have different reasons we run, and tuning in to yours at the right times is going to be the fuel on the fire that we need to blaze the way towards new personal records, new achievements, and a better you.

Via the remote app, and via constant WhatsApp conversations, we can continuously collaborate, adjust, and react to your life, and ensure that we apply the appropriate training dose, at the appropriate time, in order to maximise your training time.

Sometimes, a rest day is just what’s needed, sometimes, you just need to dig in and grit your teeth - but that’s why we’re here: to help you know when to pull back, and when to push the throttle.